onsdag 10. juli 2013

2 + 7 = 27

The best day of the year is here... It's my birthday!

Since I'm celebrating on my own today, here in London, I'll do whatever I want!
That means no alarm this morning, a cup of tea in bed and my one and only birthday present! Just couldn't wait to open it... My age might be 27, but today I'm acting more like 7!

"The bigger, the better?!"

"Sponsored by: Freia, Toro and Kamille"

Ha ha! My girls... They always make me laugh, and they did it again... I got a "Survival-present!" Everything a Norwegian girl, living in London can dream of. All the things I miss when I'm over here. Thank you so much girls! I've never got Toro Brun Saus for my birthday before! Ha ha...

Time to put some make up on, and get going. I might even get some clothes on too... If I feel like it...


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